Yvonne Lewis Holley
Running for State Representative, North Carolina, District 38 (2018)
When you grow up being able to point to the front door of the first African-American Mayor of the City of Raleigh’s home from your front porch and your father’s editorials contributed to the positive dialogue between polarized sectors during an epic time in the nation’s history, there is no way that you can elude the call to service on behalf of your community. These were the early beginnings of Yvonne Lewis Holley, Representative of the 38th District of the North Carolina State House.
Representative Yvonne Lewis Holley gained a strong insight into the workings of state government by devoting her career to state and local government with the NC Department of Administration Division of Purchase and Contract as a Senior Procurement/Contract Specialist. While there, she worked with large and small businesses.
Yvonne was born and raised in Raleigh, NC. She graduated from William G. Enloe High School and Howard University. She has one daughter, Erica Holley. She is a member of First Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC.
Growing up she watched and learned from community leaders and her father, JD Lewis. Lewis was also Director of Minority Affairs for WRAL-TV. JD Lewis, an iconic broadcasting legend, host and editorialist on WRAL TV, contributed significantly to the positive dialogue between polarized sectors during an epic time in the nation’s history.
The dedicated work of her father, community leaders, business leaders, and institutions resulted in significant growth and development in our state.This influence has followed her throughout her commitment to community service which has included work in education, health, financial, youth development and political advocacy.
Coupled with more than three decades in government, her aggregate experience has placed Yvonne in a unique position of leadership to address our community’s collective concerns. This has impacted her belief in the power of people to speak the truth, fight for what is right and work to affect the issues that impact them — namely, jobs, education and a robust business environment. Yvonne believes that ‘healthy dialogue’ is a lost art in today’s political climate and she hopes to bring that back to the State House.
Source: Yvonne Lewis Holley.com

Running for State Representative, North Carolina, District 38 (2018)

As a result of the economic crisis our country is facing the challenge of rebuilding and reinventing itself for the 21st century. The current legislature’s choices for solving our economic challenges have undermined years of progress and they are spending more time and resources trying to promote a political agenda than governing responsibly.
For years, North Carolina has been known as one of the best places to live because of our strong educational system, low unemployment rate, great paying jobs and a clean environment. The current legislative leadership is systematically destroying what has made our state one of the greatest places to live.
- I am committed to ensuring that a superior educational environment for all students supersedes political conversations and will work to address such critical issues as tuition hikes, student retention and job retraining.
- I encourage educational partnership with foundations, nonprofits and businesses to assist in the development of math and science programs like STEM.
- I work to ensure that funding is available to keep teachers in the classroom.
- I support efforts to prevent / reduce dropout rates.
- I support our state’s “World Class” universities by maintaining funds to prevent critical program cuts and tuition hikes.
- I work to ensure the necessary resources are available for the Community College System to effectively offer educational opportunities for upgrading job skills and retraining displaced workers in areas of emerging technology and sustainable energy.
- I explore the new sustainable green initiatives as an opportunity for job development and protecting our environment.
- I support targeted workforce training and job placement through the Community College System and Universities with business partnerships related to specific job training.
- I support reinvestment in infrastructure projects to improve highways, transportation and or existing ports.
- I promote innovative approaches for improving delivery of services.
- I encourage incentives for small and start-up businesses.
- I lead efforts to bring more businesses (that hire locally) to the area.
Source: Yvonne Lewis Holley.com
More North Carolina Candidates
Yvonne Lewis Holley

Running for State Representative, North Carolina, District 38 (2018)
When you grow up being able to point to the front door of the first African-American Mayor of the City of Raleigh’s home from your front porch and your father’s editorials contributed to the positive dialogue between polarized sectors during an epic time in the nation’s history, there is no way that you can elude the call to service on behalf of your community. These were the early beginnings of Yvonne Lewis Holley, Representative of the 38th District of the North Carolina State House.
Representative Yvonne Lewis Holley gained a strong insight into the workings of state government by devoting her career to state and local government with the NC Department of Administration Division of Purchase and Contract as a Senior Procurement/Contract Specialist. While there, she worked with large and small businesses.
Yvonne was born and raised in Raleigh, NC. She graduated from William G. Enloe High School and Howard University. She has one daughter, Erica Holley. She is a member of First Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC.
Growing up she watched and learned from community leaders and her father, JD Lewis. Lewis was also Director of Minority Affairs for WRAL-TV. JD Lewis, an iconic broadcasting legend, host and editorialist on WRAL TV, contributed significantly to the positive dialogue between polarized sectors during an epic time in the nation’s history.
The dedicated work of her father, community leaders, business leaders, and institutions resulted in significant growth and development in our state.This influence has followed her throughout her commitment to community service which has included work in education, health, financial, youth development and political advocacy.
Coupled with more than three decades in government, her aggregate experience has placed Yvonne in a unique position of leadership to address our community’s collective concerns. This has impacted her belief in the power of people to speak the truth, fight for what is right and work to affect the issues that impact them — namely, jobs, education and a robust business environment. Yvonne believes that ‘healthy dialogue’ is a lost art in today’s political climate and she hopes to bring that back to the State House.
Source: Yvonne Lewis Holley.com