Phyllis Hatcher
Running for State Senate, Georgia, District 17 (2018)
Phyllis shares our Founding Fathers’ belief that common sense citizen politicians’ (not career-driven political elites) are the foundation of liberty. A native of Georgia, her commitment to people and community is rooted in her faith, values, and upbringing. In response to a challenging time of money-driven politics, hyper-partisanship, and out-of-touch politicians, Phyllis Hatcher has a better vision for Senate District 17 and the state of Georgia. It embraces a better quality of life for all our residents regardless of background or financial circumstance and includes thriving business and employment opportunities. She believes that government must partner with its citizens to get those things properly done. Bridging the gap is essential.
Phyllis was born in Atlanta, Georgia. As a child, she learned traditional values from her parents. She grew in faith, compassion, and service in her local church while learning the great value of education in the local public schools. School also taught her the valuable lesson that learning the actual facts about a problem is always the first step toward finding a solution.
Growing up in a rapidly changing and ever more diverse city, Phyllis developed a deep appreciation and respect for people of all ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds.
Family First
Phyllis believes that strong families make strong communities. She has been married to her husband, Caesar Hatcher, for over 20 years. She has two grown daughters, Angeline Hatcher and Kemmah Moore, along with two grandsons, Nicholas Moore and Jason Moore.
Phyllis is especially passionate about the health, safety, security, and education of our community’s children. They are the key to the future for our community, state, and nation, so we must do whatever we can to foster and protect their growth.
A Call to Service
Inspired by her deep faith, Phyllis answered the call to join the ministry. She became a pastor in the United Methodist Church and has since served in non-denominational congregations as well. She has a Degree in Religious Studies from Beulah Heights University and is pursuing her Master Degree in Religious Studies from American Bible University. Phyllis founded Phyllis Hatcher Ministries, a coalition with benevolent care agencies originally operating in Henry County that has since expanded. Some of the agencies involved are United Way, ACFB, We Care Ministries, and McDonough Housing Authority.
This is but one of many projects that Phyllis has been a part of that reach out and help others (the poor, the homeless, veterans, single-parent families, victims of crime, the unemployed, and other everyday citizens) – including membership in the League of Women Voters, Diabetic Foundation, NAACP, the National Council of Negro Women, the Henry County Ministerial Alliance, as well as Vice President of The Boys and Girls Club in Rockdale County, President of the 4th Congressional District’s Federation of Democratic Women, and Past Worthy Matron of Peace Chapter 140 in Locust Grove.
Phyllis Hatcher has a reputation for simply getting things done. Her recent accomplishments include seven years of the Summer Food Program, the Annual Back to School Supply Drive, the Annual Turkey Giveaway, and the Annual Toy Drive. From assisting the homeless to feeding the hungry, Phyllis Hatcher has built a life of service. She is now working to bring this servant leadership approach and “can do” attitude to the Georgia State Senate. Phyllis represents hope and positive change for ALL Georgians. Bridging the Gap is essential.
Phyllis Hatcher believes that, though we are already blessed to live in a great state and nation, we must never be satisfied with the progress we have already achieved. We must push on to ever greater progress. This is our birthright as Americans.
Source: Phyllis
Health Care
Phyllis believes that access to quality affordable healthcare is the right of every Georgian. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a small step in the right direction, but improvements are needed. Sadly, the proposed replacements to the ACA by the GOP in Washington have been poorly thought out and generally unpopular for many reasons.
Public Safety
Public safety is an issue that affects everyone in our district and state. Law enforcement officers in Georgia put their lives on the line every day in order to protect us, but are among the lowest paid in the nation when salaries are adjusted for the cost of living. At the same time, public trust in law enforcement practices remains low in some of our communities. Both these situations need to change, and Phyllis will work tirelessly in the state Senate to find solutions to the underlying issues at the roots of these problems.
Georgia public education needs fixing. Phyllis Hatcher believes it is critical that our state distribute state funds more effectively to local school districts while also making sure that the money allocated is efficiently used to meet Georgia students’ needs. Our children deserve adequate funding that is spent wisely, well-trained professional teachers, and effective policies that will lead to all students getting the education they need to be productive citizens.
Immigration & Refugees
Immigration is about history – our history. We are a nation of immigrants. Some American families have been here for many generations, but their ancestors also came to our land from somewhere else. The only exceptions to this are full-blooded Native Americans. Today’s immigrants and refugees merely represent the latest wave in a long history of migration in search of a better life that dates to early European exploration of America.
Recent statistics show that 8.8% of Georgia veterans are unemployed, 7.9% live in poverty, and 19.5% have a service-connected disability. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development also estimates that approximately 1,548 Georgia veterans are homeless. Approximately 119,000 live in homes with one or more major problems of quality, crowding, or cost. Housing affordability is the greatest housing problem among veterans. Roughly 25.7 percent of Georgia veterans pay too much for their housing. Insufficient resources at the Georgia VA center in Atlanta are leading to delays in health care and other benefits, including long delays in education benefits.
Source: Phyllis
Phyllis Hatcher

Running for State Senate, Georgia, District 17 (2018)
Phyllis shares our Founding Fathers’ belief that common sense citizen politicians’ (not career-driven political elites) are the foundation of liberty. A native of Georgia, her commitment to people and community is rooted in her faith, values, and upbringing. In response to a challenging time of money-driven politics, hyper-partisanship, and out-of-touch politicians, Phyllis Hatcher has a better vision for Senate District 17 and the state of Georgia. It embraces a better quality of life for all our residents regardless of background or financial circumstance and includes thriving business and employment opportunities. She believes that government must partner with its citizens to get those things properly done. Bridging the gap is essential.
Phyllis was born in Atlanta, Georgia. As a child, she learned traditional values from her parents. She grew in faith, compassion, and service in her local church while learning the great value of education in the local public schools. School also taught her the valuable lesson that learning the actual facts about a problem is always the first step toward finding a solution.
Growing up in a rapidly changing and ever more diverse city, Phyllis developed a deep appreciation and respect for people of all ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds.
Family First
Phyllis believes that strong families make strong communities. She has been married to her husband, Caesar Hatcher, for over 20 years. She has two grown daughters, Angeline Hatcher and Kemmah Moore, along with two grandsons, Nicholas Moore and Jason Moore.
Phyllis is especially passionate about the health, safety, security, and education of our community’s children. They are the key to the future for our community, state, and nation, so we must do whatever we can to foster and protect their growth.
A Call to Service
Inspired by her deep faith, Phyllis answered the call to join the ministry. She became a pastor in the United Methodist Church and has since served in non-denominational congregations as well. She has a Degree in Religious Studies from Beulah Heights University and is pursuing her Master Degree in Religious Studies from American Bible University. Phyllis founded Phyllis Hatcher Ministries, a coalition with benevolent care agencies originally operating in Henry County that has since expanded. Some of the agencies involved are United Way, ACFB, We Care Ministries, and McDonough Housing Authority.
This is but one of many projects that Phyllis has been a part of that reach out and help others (the poor, the homeless, veterans, single-parent families, victims of crime, the unemployed, and other everyday citizens) – including membership in the League of Women Voters, Diabetic Foundation, NAACP, the National Council of Negro Women, the Henry County Ministerial Alliance, as well as Vice President of The Boys and Girls Club in Rockdale County, President of the 4th Congressional District’s Federation of Democratic Women, and Past Worthy Matron of Peace Chapter 140 in Locust Grove.
Phyllis Hatcher has a reputation for simply getting things done. Her recent accomplishments include seven years of the Summer Food Program, the Annual Back to School Supply Drive, the Annual Turkey Giveaway, and the Annual Toy Drive. From assisting the homeless to feeding the hungry, Phyllis Hatcher has built a life of service. She is now working to bring this servant leadership approach and “can do” attitude to the Georgia State Senate. Phyllis represents hope and positive change for ALL Georgians. Bridging the Gap is essential.
Phyllis Hatcher believes that, though we are already blessed to live in a great state and nation, we must never be satisfied with the progress we have already achieved. We must push on to ever greater progress. This is our birthright as Americans.
Source: Phyllis