Melissa Wells
Running for House of Delegates, Maryland, District 40 (2018)
Melissa Wells is a community advocate, labor leader, and financial security specialist. She is a proud resident of Charles Center, and a longtime advocate for neighborhoods in the 40th District.
As a member of the Baltimore Washington Building Trades Unions, Melissa works with Baltimore's underserved communities. She helps residents— including women, youth, and returning citizens— find apprenticeships and secure family-supporting careers that provide the stability we all deserve.
Over her career Melissa has worked with federal, state, and local decision makers to bring resources and investments to the 40th district that benefit families across the economic spectrum.
Just and fair inclusion, as well as access to financial security for the most vulnerable are key principles that guide Melissa. Whether it was in successfully establishing a pre-apprenticeship program that connects residents in Baltimore to middle-class construction careers, promoting equitable development in the Port Covington community benefits agreement, or helping to secure funding to expand public transportation services for communities in Baltimore, Melissa has achieved real victories by putting those principles into action.
Melissa knows that creating opportunities for all Baltimoreans to participate in building stronger communities and a more inclusive economy is the only way to ensure a brighter future for Baltimore.
Source: Elect Melissa
Accessible, Reliable Transportation
Melissa knows the critical role that transportation serves in connecting communities to jobs and opportunity. She has worked closely with community groups and state and local decision makers to ensure public transportation links communities to the resources - like jobs, education and affordable housing - that keep families financially stable. As Delegate, Melissa will fight for accessible, affordable and reliable transportation options in Baltimore City, connecting residents of North and West Baltimore to the resources and jobs they need downtown and across the region.
Creating Jobs & Careers
As a labor leader and workforce advocate, Melissa has been helping Baltimoreans find and keep jobs that lead to sustainable careers, with wages and benefits that will allow our residents to live and retire with dignity. Whether it’s “earn while you learn” apprenticeships, training partnerships with employers, or programs to support small and minority- and women-owned businesses, Melissa will continue to champion investments in our small businesses, our workforce and our people. And when we grow, she’ll fight to make sure it’s not at the expense of our communities, but instead doubles down on investments in those communities, which are key to our continued success.
Safety in Every Neighborhood
Restoring safety in our neighborhoods must be the top priority of every elected official in Baltimore City. We must take a comprehensive approach to addressing crime in the city, especially violent crime, while enhancing our approach to crime prevention, building pathways to opportunity and stifling the school-to-prison pipeline. Every Baltimorean deserves to be safe in their own home and on their own block, and as Delegate,Melissa will champion state legislation that targets violent criminals and repeat offenders. She will promote efforts that create stronger relationships between communities and law enforcement, and help returning citizens get access to well-paying jobs.
Opportunities for the Next Generation
Melissa knows that investing in our children early is the surest way to set them up for later success and stability in life. Now is the time to make serious investments in the next generation. As Delegate, Melissa will fight to make sure Baltimore City gets its fair share of state education funding, which is critical to making sure our children can get the quality education they deserve. In addition, she’ll fight for investments in recreational and enrichment opportunities that provide safe spaces, nurture youth and promote healthy development.
Source: Elect Melissa
Melissa Wells

Running for House of Delegates, Maryland, District 40 (2018)
Melissa Wells is a community advocate, labor leader, and financial security specialist. She is a proud resident of Charles Center, and a longtime advocate for neighborhoods in the 40th District.
As a member of the Baltimore Washington Building Trades Unions, Melissa works with Baltimore's underserved communities. She helps residents— including women, youth, and returning citizens— find apprenticeships and secure family-supporting careers that provide the stability we all deserve.
Over her career Melissa has worked with federal, state, and local decision makers to bring resources and investments to the 40th district that benefit families across the economic spectrum.
Just and fair inclusion, as well as access to financial security for the most vulnerable are key principles that guide Melissa. Whether it was in successfully establishing a pre-apprenticeship program that connects residents in Baltimore to middle-class construction careers, promoting equitable development in the Port Covington community benefits agreement, or helping to secure funding to expand public transportation services for communities in Baltimore, Melissa has achieved real victories by putting those principles into action.
Melissa knows that creating opportunities for all Baltimoreans to participate in building stronger communities and a more inclusive economy is the only way to ensure a brighter future for Baltimore.
Source: Elect Melissa