state attorney general
delaware (challenger)
LaKresha is proud of the hands-on work she has done so far for families in Delaware from within the Justice Department, especially most recently as Chief Deputy Attorney General, second in command under Attorney General Matt Denn.
criminal justice reform
I will support changes to the criminal code to address discriminatory or unfair laws. In addition, our community is best served by the Department of Justice when the office takes a proactive role in addressing the needs of at-risk youth to avoid their entry into the juvenile justice system. The Department must support quality front-end services to at-risk youth, pre-arrest diversion programs and first-offender programs.
equality for all delawareans
I am committed to ensuring that the justice system works for everyone and will commit to fighting inequities in the system. Promoting equality in the justice system will strengthen our citizens, families and community as a whole.
prison reform
I firmly believe that while the Attorney General must hold offenders accountable for their actions through prosecution, it is also important to support those transitioning back in the community so they integrate successfully. The Attorney General must advocate for and support expanded rehabilitative services for incarcerated individuals and those who are returning to the community (i.e. job training, job placement, counseling, and treatment services).
protecting civil rights
I am committed to expanding the office’s outreach and education to ensure that Delawareans are informed and protected. Additionally, monitoring the practices of state agencies to ensure that the rights of citizens are upheld must be a priority of the Attorney General, in particular, issues related to workplace discrimination and harassment. I firmly believe the Department can play an integral role in ensuring that unjust practices are addressed by aggressively investigating allegations of civil rights violations and discrimination. Accordingly, it is necessary to expand the operations of the Office of Civil Rights and Public Trust by securing more prosecutors and investigators.
the opioid epidemic
I firmly believe that we must also employ alternatives to incarceration (i.e. diversion programs, probation, treatment programs, and community service) for low-risk, low-level drug offenders. Using alternatives to incarceration for individuals struggling with substance abuse will position them to seek treatment, maintain stability in the community and have an opportunity to succeed.
lakresha for delaware.com
the numbers

voter registration
Please visit the State of Delaware website to learn more about the process, timelines and additional information regarding Voter Registration at Web Site.
LaKresha is proud of the hands-on work she has done so far for families in Delaware from within the Justice Department, especially most recently as Chief Deputy Attorney General, second in command under Attorney General Matt Denn.
lakresha for delawareans.com
criminal justice reform
I will support changes to the criminal code to address discriminatory or unfair laws. In addition, our community is best served by the Department of Justice when the office takes a proactive role in addressing the needs of at-risk youth to avoid their entry into the juvenile justice system. The Department must support quality front-end services to at-risk youth, pre-arrest diversion programs and first-offender programs.
prison reform
I firmly believe that while the Attorney General must hold offenders accountable for their actions through prosecution, it is also important to support those transitioning back in the community so they integrate successfully. The Attorney General must advocate for and support expanded rehabilitative services for incarcerated individuals and those who are returning to the community (i.e. job training, job placement, counseling, and treatment services).
the opioid epidemic
I firmly believe that we must also employ alternatives to incarceration (i.e. diversion programs, probation, treatment programs, and community service) for low-risk, low-level drug offenders. Using alternatives to incarceration for individuals struggling with substance abuse will position them to seek treatment, maintain stability in the community and have an opportunity to succeed.
protecting civil rights
I am committed to expanding the office’s outreach and education to ensure that Delawareans are informed and protected. Additionally, monitoring the practices of state agencies to ensure that the rights of citizens are upheld must be a priority of the Attorney General, in particular, issues related to workplace discrimination and harassment. I firmly believe the Department can play an integral role in ensuring that unjust practices are addressed by aggressively investigating allegations of civil rights violations and discrimination. Accordingly, it is necessary to expand the operations of the Office of Civil Rights and Public Trust by securing more prosecutors and investigators.
equality for all delawareans
I am committed to ensuring that the justice system works for everyone and will commit to fighting inequities in the system. Promoting equality in the justice system will strengthen our citizens, families and community as a whole.
lakresha for delawareans.com