evelyn harris
u.s. senator
delaware (challenger)
My name is Kerri Evelyn Harris. As a veteran, advocate, and community organizer, I’ve dedicated my life to public service. I live in Kent County, work in New Castle County, have a daughter in Capital School District, and organize throughout Delaware to make sure every person has a voice in the policies that affect their daily lives.
health care
Health care is a right. Currently too many of our neighbors have to decide whether to go to the doctor or pay their rent. No matter one’s income, we have to work together to ensure people can get the treatment they need to thrive, tackle substance abuse issues, support their kids, and strengthen their communities.
In Delaware, we have so many dedicated and hardworking individuals who want to put in a hard day’s work and all they ask is an honest day’s pay. One of the best ways to tackle crime, advance education for our youth, and have a bright financial future is to focus on fair jobs for all those who seek them.
human rights & equity
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice” said Martin Luther King Jr. While we have made strides for fairness and equity, we still have a long way to go to ensure every child, community, and identity gets every opportunity this great state has to offer.
agriculture & rural economy
Too often we make policy that ignores our farmers and rural communities. We need thriving farms, healthy food, and clean water in all parts of our state. In particular we need to support our small operations as more and more mega-corporations take control. We need to protect families’ nutrition aid and important conservation programs.
criminal justice reform
Currently, too many individuals, families, and communities suffer due to mass incarceration. Especially those who end up behind bars. They’ll go in with the prospect of being sentenced under a mandatory minimum. Then they’ll leave with the prospects of unemployment and low-wage work, despite having served their time in prison, which then costs us in terms of state assistance and loss of tax revenue. This is no way to treat our own. When our public safety and criminal justice system rely on smart, restorative practices rather than promoting high rates of imprisonment, then we improve safety for all.
We hear all the cliches about "children being the future" but words without action does not lead to excellence. We must invest in all children. Children in low-income areas and children of color should have access to high-quality education. When there is equity in education, then the playing field will become more leveled for all to find success in our State.
foreign affairs
We must exhaust all diplomatic solutions before resorting to military action. All too often the unintended consequences of military conflict leave behind remnants of crumbling infrastructure and human lives in need of repair. When legislators fail to properly consider the consequences of their foreign policy decisions, we risk American and foreign lives. We also risk our national security and the balance of power throughout the world. Broken governments and feelings of resentment create breeding grounds for terrorist ideology, broken alliances, and corporate globalization. If we work with our international partners we can end global poverty, while ensuring mutual prosperity and security.
Our environment thrives when we have a long-term plan for the future, instead of just thinking of today. Future generations deserve to live in a world even better than ours, so we have to be good stewards to bring about a sustainable tomorrow.
good government
Government has an active role to play in improving people’s lives. For too long, politicians have used government to advance their own political gains and big-money interests. Through some common sense reforms we can make sure our government advances justice for all.
Those of us who have served in the military or have family members who have served, often feel that we’re given lip service, but very little actual focus on our issues. Why do so many come home from their service unable to find a job? Why do so many struggle to receive even basic health care? We have to do better in supporting those who serve.
the numbers

voter registration
Please visit the State of Delaware website to learn more about the process, timelines and additional information regarding Voter Registration at Web Site.
My name is Kerri Evelyn Harris. As a veteran, advocate, and community organizer, I’ve dedicated my life to public service. I live in Kent County, work in New Castle County, have a daughter in Capital School District, and organize throughout Delaware to make sure every person has a voice in the policies that affect their daily lives.
kerri evelyn harris.com
health care
Health care is a right. Currently too many of our neighbors have to decide whether to go to the doctor or pay their rent. No matter one’s income, we have to work together to ensure people can get the treatment they need to thrive, tackle substance abuse issues, support their kids, and strengthen their communities.
In Delaware, we have so many dedicated and hardworking individuals who want to put in a hard day’s work and all they ask is an honest day’s pay. One of the best ways to tackle crime, advance education for our youth, and have a bright financial future is to focus on fair jobs for all those who seek them.
criminal justice reform
Currently, too many individuals, families, and communities suffer due to mass incarceration. Especially those who end up behind bars. They’ll go in with the prospect of being sentenced under a mandatory minimum. Then they’ll leave with the prospects of unemployment and low-wage work, despite having served their time in prison, which then costs us in terms of state assistance and loss of tax revenue. This is no way to treat our own. When our public safety and criminal justice system rely on smart, restorative practices rather than promoting high rates of imprisonment, then we improve safety for all.
We hear all the cliches about "children being the future" but words without action does not lead to excellence. We must invest in all children. Children in low-income areas and children of color should have access to high-quality education. When there is equity in education, then the playing field will become more leveled for all to find success in our State.
Our environment thrives when we have a long-term plan for the future, instead of just thinking of today. Future generations deserve to live in a world even better than ours, so we have to be good stewards to bring about a sustainable tomorrow.
kerri evelyn harris.com