Aimy Steele
Running for State Representative, North Carolina, District 82 (2018)
Combining her passion for education and leadership, Aimy Steele currently spends her days as an elementary school principal in Concord, North Carolina. She is passionate about public education and working with children.
As a student from humble beginnings, Aimy was presented with incredible opportunities at an early age. She knows first hand how exposure led to open doors that literally changed her life. She moved to Japan as a young child and her educational journey catapulted providing exposure to advanced classes and curriculum.
Her passion for education fuels the work she does on a daily basis. Her day-to-day operations allow for her to see first-hand the issues presented in the local school system. She is passionate about public education, free pre-school for all children ages 3-4, and high skilled education.
Aimy is a mother of 5 and a wife to Michael of 19 years. “Family is essential to my life and I am thankful for their support”. – Aimy Steele
Source: Aimy
Students & Teachers Are Worth Fighting For!
Teachers literally impact every child and every adult in our nation. They deserve to be paid enough to support their own families, without having to get a second job. The time and energy it takes to prepare to meet our children’s individual needs is tremendous. I know. I taught Spanish, I was an Assistant Principal and a Principal. I am in love with learning, even earning a Ph.D. in education. Teachers and school administrators who care and give their all deserve above average wages. It’s just the right thing to do!
Children are near and dear to my heart. Michael and I are blessed with five them. Between them and the children I’ve taught and advocated for over the years, I can tell you they need responsible adults in office who know first-hand how laws and policies affect them because EVERY CHILD deserves a high-quality education starting from early childhood. That can, and should, happen in public schools when people in office are actually connected to the communities and schools they serve. On the ground experience is what I bring, and I will not stop fighting for our students and teachers!
Health Care
Everyone should have access to high quality and affordable healthcare – from birth, to every stage of life. When it’s not there, and a parent has to miss work because of mounting health issues that could have been prevented with affordable healthcare, the entire family suffers. Preventative care has to be a priority, whether they are dental, visual, or physical screenings, regardless of insurance coverage.
Opioid Crisis
Cabarrus County ranks #1 in opioid-related instances. Then one day it came right to my doorstep when a department of social services worker showed up at my school. She informed about a case of opioid abuse by a family of adults, which had trickled down to their child. I remember another family devastated by opioid abuse to the point where children were removed from the home. That was heart-wrenching to think of how those students lives and learning were disrupted. The opioid crisis needs more of our attention.
Taking Care of Our Children
All children should have access to stable situations that can lead to high-quality jobs, above average living wages, and the ability to make their own way in life. When our youth have more stability in their lives they are able to thrive in our society as adults and lead productive lives. Ensuring all children have an equal opportunity is essential to this.
Source: Aimy
Aimy Steele

Running for State Representative, North Carolina, District 82 (2018)
Combining her passion for education and leadership, Aimy Steele currently spends her days as an elementary school principal in Concord, North Carolina. She is passionate about public education and working with children.
As a student from humble beginnings, Aimy was presented with incredible opportunities at an early age. She knows first hand how exposure led to open doors that literally changed her life. She moved to Japan as a young child and her educational journey catapulted providing exposure to advanced classes and curriculum.
Her passion for education fuels the work she does on a daily basis. Her day-to-day operations allow for her to see first-hand the issues presented in the local school system. She is passionate about public education, free pre-school for all children ages 3-4, and high skilled education.
Aimy is a mother of 5 and a wife to Michael of 19 years. “Family is essential to my life and I am thankful for their support”. – Aimy Steele
Source: Aimy