Adrienne Bell
Running for U.S. Representative, Texas, District 14 (2018)
Adrienne wants to be to be a voice for the people ignored in our current political climate. She is a second grade school teacher with Houston ISD, the largest school district in Texas. She has served as a Deputy Field Director with Battleground Texas, and on the Houston staff for the Obama 2012 election campaign.
Adrienne is a native Houstonian who grew up in the South Park community. Her father, who had a 6th grade education, was a car attendant for the Houston Police Department. Her mother had a 10th grade education, and worked as a waitress and a maid. Adrienne grew up believing in the American dream, and has worked hard to fulfill its promise in her life.
Adrienne believes healthcare is a human right, and vows to fight against the loss of protections for pre-existing conditions or coverage for mental illness by pursuing Medicare for All. She has plans for new investments through federal grants to revitalize the port cities, rebuild infrastructure, and create green jobs across the district. She will push legislation to secure equity in education, because she believes an education should not be based on a student's zip code. She believes in a woman's right to choose, and will fight for criminal justice reform.
Source: Bell
Get Money Out of Politics
Super PACs should be banned, private donations to politicians and campaigns should be banned, and a clean public financing system should be implemented to end the takeover of our government by corporations. Americans deserve free and fair elections — free from the corruption of big money donors.
Create Medicare for All
The United States should catch up to every other modern nation and implement a single-payer, medicare-for-all system. There’s no reason we can’t be #1 in the world instead of #37. It’s time to end the destruction of American healthcare by rapacious, price gouging, for-profit, private health insurance middlemen. In talking with seniors, they are paying a tremendous amount for prescription drugs, and must decide between purchasing needed medicines to maintain their quality of life, and other necessities, such as groceries.
High Cost of Child Care
Families come first, not corporations or special interests, but taking care of our families. I say it often, at the end of the day, we just want to be able to take care of our families. One of the concerns I have is the high cost of child care, and it's strain on parents. In Texas, single parents pay 36.6% of their income for infant care in a center, while a single parent with two children, can expect to pay 64.8% ( This does not leave much for housing, food, and transportation. Child care is one of the highest items in a parent's budget, and working families are struggling to provide basic child care for their children. Texas has over one million households headed by women, 31% of them with incomes that are below the poverty level. Currently before Congress, is HR3773, The Child Care for Working Families Act. Some of its provisions include - guaranteed affordability for working families with children under 13 (income based); incentivizes states to create high-quality preschool programs; improves accessibility for child care; increases training and compensation for the child care workforce; enhances funding for the Head Start program. Federal policymakers must make significant investments in the accessibility of affordable high-quality child care. Young parents are working, and the high cost of child care undermines their economic stability. Parents must be able to work, and children need high-quality care as a basic foundation towards their future success. We all have a stake in the investment of our next generation. I will continue working for your children, and your children's children, to make their lives better.
Support Our Veterans
The establishment of community veterans engagement boards, which provides for the support of veterans through coordination, and integration, with non-veteran organizations, is my vision to bring to each county. In addition, once in the House, I aspire to be a member of the House Committee on Veteran Affairs, (the only Texas representative is Beto O'Rourke, who will be moving to the Senate, once elected in the November election!), so that we continue to have a Texas representative, and a strong advocate for veterans. The conversation with our veterans will not stop, while I am seeking office, or when I am in in the House. Town halls, with our veterans, will continue to be a focus for me. When I heard a veteran share, "I will fight for my country, and I need my country fighting for me.", I heard him.
Pledge for #NoFossilFuel
I have signed the #nofossilfuel pledge to represent my commitment to prioritize the health of our families, climate, and democracy over fossil fuel industry profits. The political contributions from oil and gas companies, has allowed influence over political decisions made by representatives, who accept their monies. This causes laws that benefit polluters, instead of laws that benefit the people. It stops the bold vision we must have on climate change, and future actions. As your member of Congress, I will support policies that support the health of our country, our citizens, and our planet. This includes Initiatives to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, and investing in renewable sources, such as wind and solar. Together, we will build a better future for our children.
End Plastic Pollution
The celebration of Earth Day, (4/22/18), is a global day of action of ecological awareness. This year's theme is "End Plastic Pollution", which focuses on creating global support to eliminate single use plastics, and creating a global framework for plastics disposals. Plastics are one of the most littered items in the world, whether on a beach, in the ocean, or alongside a street. It is now recognized as a hazard to public health, and the human body. It is also a petroleum product, which gives it a connection to climate change. Let's take personal responsibility, and help end plastic pollution. For more fascinating information on plastics, a complete action toolkit, and the harmful effects on our environment, and our bodies, visit
Enact Common Sense Gun Laws
I believe in the second amendment. I support the second amendment. I am also a person with common sense, and we need common sense laws that address anti gun violence. I am also a teacher. This national conversation of arming teachers to prevent gun violence in our schools, is disturbing. Texas teachers are trained to meet pedagogy and professional standards, that make learning relevant for today’s learners. Our responsibility does not, and should not, be that of an armed guard. Teachers have always been on the frontline, and now we are on the front-line of violence. Instead, the conversation should be focused on AR-15s being used in the recent mass murders of students, and school personnel, at Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Since 2012, the AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle, has been the weapon of choice, in the deadliest mass murders in our country. At Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, the gunman fired 154 rounds in less than five minutes, murdering 20 innocent children, aged 6-7, and six staff members. A recent Quinnipiac poll, released February 20, 2018, found that 67% of Americans, which included 53% gun owners, are in support of a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons. This is the conversation we need to have - banning assault weapons, and protecting Americans from mass murders. I stand with the majority of Americans, and call for a ban on assault weapons. I support: Assault weapon ban - including the sale, transfer, manufacturing and importation of customizable semi-automatic rifles Universal background check Mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases Ban of high capacity ammunition magazines Extreme Risk Protection Order.
Fix Our Broken Immigration System
We need to fix our broken immigration system and provide undocumented immigrants with a path to citizenship. The push for DREAMers to become American citizens must not stop. DREAMers are not bargaining chips. It is time to bring people together, and not continue to tear families apart. The greatness of our nation comes from we the people. America was founded upon a revolutionary dream of freedom and justice for all. This promise brought forth a creation unseen in history, a people of many peoples, a nation of all nations, a land for people from all lands. We will not give up the fight for the hope of America. We want an America, as good as its promise, as stated by the Honorable Barbara Jordan.
Create A Just, Justice System
It's time to end our for-profit criminal justice system by ending prison labor, private prisons and detention centers, cash bail systems, and all the other ways our criminal justice system profits off the vulnerable.
Create Fully Funded Higher Education
In America, every child deserves a chance to succeed. Educating the citizenry of a nation pays dividends in the long run, with the economy getting back much more than is initially put in. Crushing student debt for higher education would no longer burden young men and women trying to improve their lives through hard work. We should strive to have the best education system in the world.
Raise the Minimum Wage
This is about justice and basic human decency. If you work hard and you work full time you shouldn’t live in poverty. I am a union member, and support collective bargaining.
Source: Bell
Adrienne Bell

Running for U.S. Representative, Texas, District 14 (2018)
Adrienne wants to be to be a voice for the people ignored in our current political climate. She is a second grade school teacher with Houston ISD, the largest school district in Texas. She has served as a Deputy Field Director with Battleground Texas, and on the Houston staff for the Obama 2012 election campaign.
Adrienne is a native Houstonian who grew up in the South Park community. Her father, who had a 6th grade education, was a car attendant for the Houston Police Department. Her mother had a 10th grade education, and worked as a waitress and a maid. Adrienne grew up believing in the American dream, and has worked hard to fulfill its promise in her life.
Adrienne believes healthcare is a human right, and vows to fight against the loss of protections for pre-existing conditions or coverage for mental illness by pursuing Medicare for All. She has plans for new investments through federal grants to revitalize the port cities, rebuild infrastructure, and create green jobs across the district. She will push legislation to secure equity in education, because she believes an education should not be based on a student's zip code. She believes in a woman's right to choose, and will fight for criminal justice reform.
Source: Bell