state representative
Representative Hall spent 33 years in education, 25 of those at J.O. Johnson High School. She retired as Assistant to the President for at-Risk Students and Special Projects at Calhoun Community College in Decatur. Representative Hall serves as chairperson of the Governor's Commission on AIDS. She also serves as chairperson of the Alabama House of Representatives Black Caucus.
the numbers

voter registration
Please visit the Alabama Secretary of State (SOS) website to learn more about the process, timelines and additional information regarding Voter Registration at https://sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/voter/register-to-vote.
Representative Hall spent 33 years in education, 25 of those at J.O. Johnson High School. She retired as Assistant to the President for at-Risk Students and Special Projects at Calhoun Community College in Decatur. Representative Hall serves as chairperson of the Governor's Commission on AIDS. She also serves as chairperson of the Alabama House of Representatives Black Caucus.
alabama state legislature